The introduction project we worked on is the bowl. We started from a flat piece of aluminium and traced out the profile of a circle using a compass scribe. After, we beat the flat piece of aluminium with a hammer onto a piece of wooden mould to get the general shape of the bowl out. With long hours and sweat and blood (picture above shows my blister), my piece of aluminium turned from a flat piece of metal to a metal bowl.
These are the steps I took for the transformation of the metal to the bowl.
Step 1: Scribe the aluminium with a compass for a perfect circle.
Step 2: Cut out the profile with a hand held metal cutter.
Step 3: File down the edges with a hand file to avoid cutting myself.
Step 4: Find a piece of wooden mould and a nylon hammer.
Step 5: Start beating the side of outer circle with the sharper end of the hammer to form a concave dent, stretching the metal.
Step 6: Repeat step 5 till the whole perimeter of the circle have that concave dent.
Step 7: Start using the fat end of the hammer to beat down the concave dent contracting the metal.
Step 8: Beat down the dents till it smoothens out.
Step 9: Refine it further and make the bowl shape defined.
Step 10: Beat the centre of the bowl to expand the metal and create the depth for the bowl.
Step 11: Continue beating.
Step 12: Start refining the sides of the bowl and make sure its a circle.
Step 13: After the desired shape is attained, start to smoothen out the lumps with a metal hammer beating on a metal mould.
Step 14: If step 13 is taking too much time with too little results, use an english wheel.
Step 15: Smoothen out all the lumps with an english wheel till the whole bowl looks smooth and looks like a proper bowl.
Step 16: Take a step back and admire the results.
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